Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Mentorship - Sees Potential and Invests in Others

For something different, we've added a fun little video clip that we just put together - Peyton's Race Day ( http://www.youtube.com/user/ProvisionMentorship?feature=mhum#p/u/0/DNA_NImUfmY ).  To be honest, it was not only to "show off" our grand daughter (Peyton) and our two children (Brittany & Courtney), but to illustrate a very important point!   (Oh yes, we had a great time putting the video clip together too.)  

Here is the point that we want to emphasis: "Mentorship is all about investing a small part of ourselves into others, with the hope that they will one day become all that they can be, reaching loftier heights and achieving greater successes than those who went before them."  

We trust that this message will be seen within this short clip, and that each of us will find appropriate ways to add value into the lives of others along life's path.  

Question: What lessons regarding Mentorship can you find in this video clip? Please share your comments to this post. Best wishes to all in 2011.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Mentoring Stories - as suggested by Rey Carr

I received an email message from Rey Carr of Peer Resources highlighting the personal stories of a number of people who have been positively influenced and inspire others through mentorship. Please explore these stories further. I believe you will discover that you too can be a positive agent for change within your circle of influence!

The introduction on the site begins: 
Many people have acted as mentors or have been mentored. However, in many cases, neither the person acting as a mentor or the person being mentored may realize or recognize that mentoring has occurred. Sometimes people involved in mentoring do not actually use the term mentoring and instead describe their relationship as influential, impactful or learning-oriented. Such informal mentoring occurs quite frequently and it is probably wide-spread throughout the world.

As I read these comments, I reflected on the messages that we are hearing in the video clips that are already on this BLOG site. Give them a few minutes of your time! The lessons learned and suggestions provided will definitely help you on your mentorship journey.

To view the stories suggested by Rey Carr, visit:  http://www.mentors.ca/stories.html

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Key Success Factor - "Mentorship"

We are very excited about the new video clips being added to this BLOG site.

Because MENTORSHIP can add such great value to the development of both business owners and those pursuing career advancement, we've added this special post, and the first of several video clips that will highlight Mentorship, a significant Key Success Factor!

In my research and observation, Mentorship, in its various forms, can significantly advance the development of individuals along their career paths - be they employees, business owners, or professionals, in either the public or private sector.

This increases their ability to contribute to those organizations, leading to a better meeting the needs of their target audiences, as well as the fulfillment of the organization's vision, mission and strategic objectives.

Be sure to review the valuable information on our Business Success Site located at:     http://businesssuccessblog.blogspot.com/

Best wishes as you further explore Mentorship!