Friday, August 5, 2011

Finding a Mentoring Partner - Ian Hope's Comments

Ian Hope, of Hope and Partners took some time out of his busy schedule to talk with me regarding mentorship. He provided a wealth of information. Thank you Ian! Our interview is NOW available for viewing on our YouTube Channel where you can hear additional comments from Ian.
     * Check it out at

NOW, here are a few of the key thoughts that Ian provided to encourage those who are considering being involved in a Mentorship relationship.

I’d urge anyone interested in developing others, or in developing themselves to seek out such a relationship.  Best also that the mentor not have a direct responsibility in the workplace for the performance or results of the mentoree.  Mentorees should be sure to find a mentor who they feel comfortable with, and who they feel has the skills and qualities that they would like to develop within themselves.

Mentors should be sure that they have a real interest in the mentoree’s career, that they have the time and energy to commit to the relationship, and that they will be comfortable communicating with that person.

FYI – see other comments from Ian Hope on our Mentorship Blog under the Posts:
July 1/11 - Stories of Mentorship
June 25/11 - TIPS - to Develop the Mentorship Relationship
May 23/11 - CONFIDENTIALITY - Key Success Factor
May 1/11 - What is MENTORSHIP?