We recently came across some great tips that can be used for finding Mentors using Social Media. Here is one of several tips suggested by Women and Mentoring in the U.S.
We encourage you to read her entire article when you have a moment.
A Reason, a Season or a Lifetime: Start with the goal in mind. While typically referring to friendships, I find this is one of the most effective ways of wrapping your head around what you’re looking for in a mentor. Before you can address the where and how of it all, it comes down to having a very clear view of what you’re looking for. Whether it be the insight of an expert to help answer a specific question that’s haunting you, or finding someone you want to emulate for their poise and integrity; the better you’re able to define what you’re looking for, the more apt you are to find it.
Additional opportunities to learn more about Mentorship are available for you right NOW, on our YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/ProvisionMentorship