I came across an interesting article on a website for Joan Reynolds, who has been in the real estate business for 30 years. The title of the article that caught my eye was: How to Find a Business Mentor in 5 Easy Steps. Sounds interesting right?
What is a mentor?
A mentor is essentially someone who has more experience in business than you. A mentor can help you navigate the difficult waters of starting a business, owning a business, business strategy, and everything in between. For an entrepreneur, a mentor can give advice, provide networking connections, or simply be a friend when things get rough.
Why is it important to have a mentor?
For your own sanity and the health of your business, investing both your time and thoughts into a mentor relationship can be worthwhile. Remember, a mentor is someone who is essentially a soundboard; a person who you talk to about those important decisions before you make them; someone who wants you to succeed and does whatever they can to help you achieve your goals; and encourages you to pursue your goals while advising ways to avoid conflict or friction.
The article on Joan's site goes on further to describe five easy steps to find the perfect mentor. We've just highlighted them here, but encourage you to read the entire article at: http://www.wingwire.com/comments/Reynolds2863/null/68460
Step 1: Reach out to your family and friends for advice ... (a fine place to start)
Step 2: Strive to make connections beyond just family and friends, even using social media (a great idea) ...
Step 3: Look out of the box when searching for the perfect mentor ... (some good suggestions here) ...
Step 4: Once you’ve chosen a potential mentor, ... schedule a time to meet with them. (useful suggestions listed here) ...
Step 5: Once you’ve become acquainted with your potential mentor ... (good suggestions on how to bring up the subject of their potential mentoring you) ...
QUESTION: How would you recommend approaching a potential Mentor?