KMC 5) HONESTY (Part 2)
Key Mentorship Characteristics (KMC)
Please feel free to add your perspective on the role of “HONESTY” in Mentorship.
Share your experience with respect to this aspect of mentorship and invite others to participate where you feel they could add value to our discussion.
We asked:
• What is the role of HONESTY within a mentoring relationship?
• What does HONESTY mean to you?
• How is HONESTY developed between the mentoring partners?
Key Mentorship Characteristics (KMC)
Please feel free to add your perspective on the role of “HONESTY” in Mentorship.
Share your experience with respect to this aspect of mentorship and invite others to participate where you feel they could add value to our discussion.
We asked:
• What is the role of HONESTY within a mentoring relationship?
• What does HONESTY mean to you?
• How is HONESTY developed between the mentoring partners?
As a cautionary note - Being HONESTY doesn't require that you also be brutal. A little HONESTY goes a long way! We've found that kindness and gentleness are most welcomed in the application of HONESTY.
In being HONEST, we need to emphasize that while it’s important to be supportive, recognize that in the mentoring relationship, neither party is taking on the role of psychologist, social worker or spiritual caregiver! The role within a healthy mentoring relationship is that of a supportive, encouraging friend, a sounding board and confidant in a mutual, growing relationship. Suggest professional help where it may be appropriate.
Also, in keeping the relationship HONEST, attempt to resolve problems immediately, and follow through on your commitments. Keep the lines of communications open in order to maintain the relationship. It’s very difficult if not impossible to repair a relationship if issue remains hidden. It’s much more productive to address a situation early, resolve it and move forward.
Finally, and most importantly - enjoy the journey! While mentorship is a developmental relationship, it should still be fun, for both Mentor and Mentee/Protégé.
NOW it's YOUR TURN! - Please feel free to share your comments and experiences with respect to this aspect of mentorship.
WHAT'S been your experience with respect to HONESTY within MENTORSHIP?
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