WE HAD A GREAT TIME speaking with the SIX people that are featured in the video clip that's linked to "Part 1" for this Key Characteristic. IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY DONE SO, we encourage you to give that a quick review. We think you'll be encouraged to further develop "FREE EXPRESSION" within your mentoring relationships.
Speaking of which, we'd love for you to share your experience with respect to this aspect of mentorship. Please feel free to invite others to join in the discussion as well, where you feel they could add value and benefit from participation.
We asked:
• What is the role of FREE EXPRESSION within a mentoring relationship?
• What does FREE EXPRESSION mean to you?
• How is FREE EXPRESSION developed between the mentoring partners?
Speaking of which, we'd love for you to share your experience with respect to this aspect of mentorship. Please feel free to invite others to join in the discussion as well, where you feel they could add value and benefit from participation.
We asked:
• What is the role of FREE EXPRESSION within a mentoring relationship?
• What does FREE EXPRESSION mean to you?
• How is FREE EXPRESSION developed between the mentoring partners?
it comes to FREE EXPRESSION within a Mentoring relationship, here are a couple
of TIPS that if followed, should result in a better Mentorship for both
the Mentee and the Mentor!
Tip # 1: To help your relationship to develop, make an effort to share insights regarding yourself with your Mentor or Protégé. Be prepared to open up! You are authentic when you show your personal side, as well as the professional you! Talk with your mentorship partner about your personal attributes, dreams, goals, aspirations and strengths, but don't shy away from revealing some of those areas you are also wanting to improve!
Tip # 2: Remember that mentorship is actually a two-way street! While one would be correct in assuming it is the Protégé who learns from the Mentor, many Mentors have also experienced growth within a dynamic mentorship relationship! As one of the Mentors in a program that we facilitate so aptly said: “Being a Mentor is great! Working with a Protégé makes you think about why you do the things you do. Being a Mentor allows me to share and it keeps me sharp!”
Tip # 3: Undertake to resolve problems immediately, and to follow through on what you say you will do. Keep the lines of communications from breaking down. It is impossible to fix something, or mend a relationship if the issue remains hidden. It’s better to address the situation early, resolve them and move forward.
NOW it's YOUR TURN! - Please feel free to share your comments and experiences with respect to this aspect of mentorship.
WHAT'S been your experience with respect to FREE EXPRESSION within MENTORSHIP?
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discussion. We welcome your 'sharing' this page with those in your
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