It was Winston Churchill who said: "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." So with that thought in mind, here’s an easy way to share a small piece of valuable information that others could find very helpful on their business journey!
With this post, we’ll try to replicate one of the valuable aspects that we’ve had in the live “Business START-UP” events we’ve facilitated over the past decade. Attendees routinely comment on how they’ve enjoyed hearing from the experienced business owners we’ve brought into our sessions, and the numerous insights, tips and suggestions they’ve provided for new entrepreneurs.
HERE are a couple of the questions we’ve typically suggested to these seasoned entrepreneurs. Pick one, a couple, or all ... and please share some of your valuable insights with a larger audience.
Questions for Business Owners:
1) What was the biggest business challenge you’ve faced, and how did you address it?
2) How did you recognize your business opportunity, and was there a significant event that motivated you to act on it?
3) Looking back, what do you wish you’d have known prior to starting your business?
Thank you for sharing your comments and suggestions with our audience.
Note: While having a formal business Mentor may be seen as the ideal, we know that many business owners haven’t yet incorporated a formalized process into their routines. For the moment, they’re relying on their networks of business associates, professionals and various gleanings they’ve gathered along the way. Your suggestions may be very valuable as a part of that learning process.
PLEASE, leave your comments for others viewing this Post.
FYI: If you’re also interested in business, you may wish to access the FREE information on our Business Success BLOG and tap into some of the many FREE videos on our YouTube Channel where you'll find a wealth of helpful suggestions on both Mentorship and Business Success. These can all be accessed from the "Resources" tab on our website at:
* AND, if you would like to have another perspective to help you with your business development, let’s discuss your situation in more detail. Chances are, we can help you!