Saturday, January 23, 2016

"No PAIN - No GAIN" - Are WE Ready Now?

You may have heard that the western-Canadian economy has taken a real 'kicking' over the past year, with a number of indicators pointing to challenging times. A low Canadian Dollar, oil prices around $30 per barrel, energy and construction job losses, and higher unemployment levels, are just a few that we could name.  
There's no denying that many sectors have experienced significant pain. But as they say: "No PAIN - No GAIN".  

Pain has a way of getting our attention! And as a result, we become increasingly motivated to find new and creative ways to transform that 'pain' into some sort of beneficial 'gain' - finding new opportunities for people to realize their Hopes, their Dreams, and their Aspirations.  Many of these individuals will be very interested in exploring the potential of building a business of their own.  And that's the exciting type of work that we enjoy doing at Pro-Vision Solutions Inc. as we assist those looking at starting, growing and developing their business potential.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
One of the key moments in a speech by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, was when he pressed the "RESET BUTTON" - moving everyone beyond our reputation as a provider of raw materials and resources, to a new vision, saying: "... I want you to know Canadians for our resourcefulness."  It's a bold statement that was “put out” to the world, but it's also one that I believe Canadians are ready to embrace as we adapt to our changing realities.
See the related articles, photos and videos on the World Economic Forum at:
Having said that, it needs to be recognized that not only will we need to become more innovative and entrepreneurial, we also need to better prepare those looking down the entrepreneurial career pathway. We recognize that not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur. Historically, about 15% to 18% of the Canadian workforce has been self-employed. We also know that after 5 years of having been in business, about 60% of those businesses have ceased operations, and about 80% have disappeared within 10 years. These are sobering statistics, so we ask: Is there a way to improve the prospects for business success?
We believe that Mentorship can provide entrepreneurs with a valuable support structure to assist them through their growth and development. The choice is ours to make.  

We can choose to learn things the hard way and experience all of the painful lessons taught in the ‘School of Hard Knocks’. Or we can take advantage of learning from the insights provided by an experienced Business Mentor – someone who can fast-track their Mentee towards a more successful future. 

We believe that the SMARTER choice is to look into what a Mentorship Program can do.  We'd be pleased to further discuss how this valuable business development resource can assist business owners as well as those who work with entrepreneurs.

Let us know if you'd like to further explore Mentorship. 

We'd be more than happy to bring well planned Mentorship Programs to other organizations and industry sectors. 

We welcome your comments to this Post.
FYI: If you’re also interested in business, you may wish to access the FREE information on our Business Success BLOG and tap into some of the many FREE videos on our YouTube Channel where you'll find a wealth of helpful suggestions on both Mentorship and Business SuccessThese can all be accessed from the "Resources" tab on our website at: