Mentorship frequently helps a Mentee advance and achieve greater levels of success within the businesses and organizations where they work.
Having worked with entrepreneurs for more than 30 years, I’ve seen Mentorship provide them with a valuable support structure, accelerating them towards a more successful future through timely access to an experienced business mentor. Effective Mentorship can lead to improvements in productivity, reduction of exposure to unnecessary risk, and a maximizing of potential growth opportunities - something that's definitely positive at any time, but even more so as the competitive landscape becomes increasingly challenging.
A number of years ago, we had the opportunity to meet and then collaboratively work with Dr. William Gray from Victoria, BC. Dr. Gray has set up more than 150 Mentorship Programs and has an impressive track record in developing mentorship programs internationally. A number of his valuable insights have been shared through video clips on our YouTube Channel and those "links" are provided further below for your convenience.
In this Post, and with his permission, we've featured a short, reflective piece written by Dr. Gray called: "Mentor Me". He kindly added the following for our readers which we feel 'sets the stage' with some of the background that went into his putting this piece together:
"Formalized Mentoring Programs are started to benefit Proteges. For this to occur, effective Mentors equip Proteges with what they know – such as practical know-how and wisdom – to help them get up to speed, learn the ropes, fit in to the organization, and perform work with competence. Effective Mentors also empower what Proteges want to learn, do and become – so that they can make unique contributions based on their dreams, passions and diversity. My poem (Mentor Me) describes some of the mentoring assistance that produces these outcomes – so that Proteges not only receive various types of assistance they need, but they also learn how to provide effective mentoring themselves."Please enjoy ...
As mentioned earlier, here are "links" to our YouTube video clips with Dr. Gray:
1) “Mentoring Conversations (Program Overviews)” is located at:
2) “Making Mentoring Relationships Work" is located at:
3) “Mentorship Tips and Insights” is located at:
PLEASE feel free to share your comments to our post.
We'd be very pleased to hear from you and let others benefit from comments related to your experiences for improving Mentoring Relationships.
QUESTION: Could you benefit from having a Business COACH and MENTOR?
IF SO ... Please take a look at our "NEXT Steps" Program!
Our “NEXT Steps - Program” provides flexible and cost-effective Business Coaching & Mentoring for entrepreneurs. It can be tailored to fit your busy schedule and was designed to provide you with 12 months of valuable assistance!
For more information see:
"Option 3 – “PVS – NEXT Steps - Business Coaching & Mentoring Program”
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