- Jim Ewing Co-Founder
Pro-Vision Solutions Inc.
For mentoring to be truly successful and garner the results that Mentees and their Organizations desire, serious foresight, planning and support are required.
We've seen this in programs where we've been involved, and with programs we've developed in the past. The quality of the structure and support provided by the Mentorship Program and all of those involved will have a significant impact on the results that are produced. Of course, it's tempting to say that what comes out of Mentorship relationships is entirely up to the Mentees and their Mentors. And while they are important actors in the process, they will greatly benefit from getting off to a great start with appropriate resources, training, and ongoing support. For those who want to be seen as proactive champions of meaningful and successful Mentorship programs, there's much more to creating a positive Mentorship environment than simply putting out a call to potential Mentees and Mentors!
To quote a leading expert in the field of Mentorship program development, Dr. William A. Gray, "Successful Mentorship Programs don’t just happen, they need to be designed, refined and aligned …” It's been my privilege to have both learned from and worked with Dr. Gray who's developed over 150 Mentorship programs. Many organizations and groups can benefit from Mentorship. For entrepreneurs, a group I’ve worked with for 30+ years, Mentorship provides a valuable support structure, accelerating them towards a more successful future through timely access to experienced business mentors. Well-crafted Mentorship Programs can lead to improvements in productivity, reduction of exposure to unnecessary risk, and a maximizing of potential growth opportunities.
This Post continued from what we wrote on December 1, 2017 where we touched on the value Mentorship can bring to organizations looking to increase the diversity and depth of their leadership pool. Below, we are very pleased to make available Part 2 of our interview with Doug Piquette, Executive Director of the Edmonton Region Immigrant Employment Council (ERIEC)
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Doug Piquette |
Doug Piquette has over 20 years' experience in the non-profit sector. Since 2008, he has served as Executive Director of the Edmonton Region Immigrant Employment Council (ERIEC) a business led council that brings leaders together to create and champion solutions to better integrate immigrants in the Edmonton Capital Region. As part of his endeavours at ERIEC, Mr. Piquette led business stakeholders in the creation of a new strategic plan to increase the impact and scale of ERIEC's work.
The ERIEC Website is at: http://eriec.ca
Our interview has been uploaded in two separate video clips. The first being made public in December 2017 and the second in January 2018. The introduction and closing have elements in common for those who may not have viewed the other video, however specifics addressed include:
- The unique needs and requirements in Mentoring newcomers.
- Suggestions to help improve the overall quality of the Mentorship relationship.
- The value gained by those involved in the Mentoring relationships.
- Thoughts for those considering Mentorship.
CLICK HERE TO VIEW VIDEO - 2At Pro-Vision Solutions Inc. we encourage our clients to explore a wide variety of approaches, and draw out the most beneficial aspects from formal and informal mentorship relationships, individual and group mentoring, face-to-face and long-distance mentoring, cross-departmental, cross-sectoral and cross-cultural mentorship experiences.
- Comparing Formal versus Informal Mentoring relationships.
- The matching process involved in Mentorship.
- A Mentorship "success story” they’ve experienced.
- Thoughts for those considering Mentorship.
PLEASE feel free to share your comments to our post.
We'd be very pleased to hear from you and let others benefit from comments related to your experiences for improving Mentoring Relationships.
QUESTION: Could you benefit from having a Business COACH and MENTOR?
IF SO ... Please take a look at our "NEXT Steps" Program!
Our “NEXT Steps - Program” provides flexible and cost-effective Business Coaching & Mentoring for entrepreneurs. It can be tailored to fit your busy schedule and was designed to provide you with 12 months of valuable assistance!
For more information see:
"Option 3 – “PVS – NEXT Steps - Business Coaching & Mentoring Program”
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