In fact, it goes beyond that very important "point of contact” - the point at which there is an authentic impartation of transformative teaching by the Mentor, that is matched by a genuine appreciation and appropriation of that learning by the Mentee.
Having successfully achieved that notable objective, it would seem to be somewhat anticlimactic to then have the two parties simply walk away from Mentorship. Rather, we would encourage both Mentor and Mentee to find ways in which each can continue participating in future meaningful mentoring relationships.
We’ve seen great value in Mentors continuing to mentor others and at the same time find those who can be a Mentor to them in aspects of their continued development. And for those who’ve been Mentees and benefited from the input of a Mentor, we encourage them to take on a new role of mentoring someone else. This is the type of ‘full-circle’ mentorship that continues to add tremendous value to both organizations and individuals. It’s an aspect of Mentorship that we like to see built into Mentorship Programs. After all, if there was something to be gained by having participated in Mentorship the first time, surely there must be even more that can be shared the next time!
PLEASE feel free to share your comments to our post.
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