This post applies to a wide variety of career path choices!
Sure - I've worked with entrepreneurs and organizations that help them grow and develop for many years. Here's what I've seen ... I've found that Mentorship provides one of the greatest methods of accelerating the development and potential of individuals, as well as the businesses or organizations these people work within, when there is a formalized and coordinated Mentorship Program!
One of the great things about being an entrepreneur and having your own business is the independence and freedom offered by that career path.
Work with me on this for a moment!
While there are many ways to mitigate that ‘sense of isolation', one option that we’ve seen to be both effective and highly beneficial is to have a Mentor! A good Mentor can help you find your way through those inevitable challenges that you’ll face, in life, and in business. Having said that, to be perfectly clear, a good Mentor doesn’t come with a ‘magic wand’ and make things disappear! A good Mentor will help you (the Mentee/Protege) explore the situation that you face, review what’s transpired to this point in time, and then help you explore potential options. Once that’s been done, it’s still up to you to decide what you’ll do with that new-found insight and perspective. After all, it's your decision to make, right?
When we work with those considering establishing a Mentorship Program, we encourage them to go into it with a solid understanding of what they want the program to accomplish for their participants. In fact, that's something we like to work with them on prior to launching a Mentorship Program. Mentors and Mentees/Proteges are then brought together and provided with an opportunity to begin their Mentorship journey with a clearer understanding of what's ahead. Even better than that, participants come away having identified some specific, high-priority, individual goals to pursue over the time they agree to work together in the Mentoring Relationship.
"Mentorship is a huge 'Jump-Start' on any career path. It gets things moving forward and in the right direction!" - Jim Ewing, Co-Founder - Pro-Vision Solutions Inc.
What have you experienced in a Mentoring relationship?
- What was the BEST thing that you gained from Mentorship?
- If you could offer even ONE suggestion to improve the experience for others in a Mentoring relationship, what would that be?
Feel free to leave a comment. We'd be pleased to hear from you!
BTW ... if you're interested in establishing a Mentorship Program for your organization or for the audience you work with, please get in touch with us. We'd be happy to further explore that with you!
- Jim Ewing, for the TEAM
Pro-Vision Solutions Inc.
P.S. - Be sure to visit our YouTube Channel to view any of the Mentorship related videos we've made available. CLICK HERE