There is no doubt in our mind that Mentorship can be a powerful vehicle to assist in that development. One of the reasons we encourage Mentorship as a part of the entrepreneurial programs we facilitate, is because of the great potential for two-way learning to occur. Naturally, you'd anticipate that Mentees (Proteges) benefit from the process, but Mentors can continue their growth when they too are active participants in this dynamic process.
Let me try to connect this to something we've been excited to be a part of recently ...
This past year has likely been one of the most fulfilling and rewarding that we've experienced. When it comes to working with groups of entrepreneurs one of the highlights, and something that we've really enjoyed, has involved a fairly large group from within in our community. This is a very diverse group in terms of demographics, psychographics, and business sectors. It also has a blend of participants from across the business life cycle - those who are "new to business", together with those who've seen outstanding "successes". And it's been quite the journey that we've been on, perhaps best describes as being, "a journey of discovery!"
Here's just one of our discoveries, although we anticipated it would be a contributing factor to success. While we were confident that we had good materials, a solid program, and proven processes, the greatest "discoveries" for participants may have been less connected to what we shared, and more about the personal alignment they began to see develop. Regardless of their stage of business, as they explored the potential of the opportunity in front of them, they discovered ways to "shape" their business that "rang true" with their personal values and priorities. As they worked on their business, there appeared to be a better fit with who they truly wanted to be, and what they aspired for their businesses to represent.
Coming back to "Mentorship" ... Interest has been expressed within the group to seeing more of a "Mentorship Program" added, and that's something we're looking at introducing as we go forward. Having said that, there's already been much that's happened by way of informal mentorship. It's been great to see what's happened as individuals get to know each other, gain that requisite level of trust, and build relationships with others in the group. We've had an absolutely fantastic time together, and we're excited to see further development and growth with this group in the fall!
To close this post, please let us know if we can help you explore the potential of Mentorship within your organization. We’d be delighted to work together with you to discover what Mentorship can do for you and your team!
BTW - We’ve captured some great comments and experiences from those who’ve been Mentors and been Mentored. View them now for FREE on our YouTube Channel ...
PLEASE feel free to share your comments to our post.
We'd be very pleased to hear from you and let others benefit from comments related to your experiences for improving Mentoring Relationships.
QUESTION: Could you benefit from having a Business COACH and MENTOR?
IF the ANSWER is YES ... Take a look at our "NEXT Steps Program!
If you're looking for flexible and cost-effective Business Coaching & Mentoring, you'll like our “NEXT Steps - Program”. It's been created with you in mind, and provides 12 months of valuable assistance, designed to fit your busy schedule!
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