Sunday, January 15, 2012

Think Outside the Box when Looking for a Mentor

We've always felt that Mentees can learn much from virtually any Mentor. A lot of it comes down to how receptive we will become in the process. Mentors provide a perspective, their experience, their insight. It's up to each of us to decide how we will use (or not use) that information. Either way, you are still learning!

As a follow-up to a previous POST, here is another great tip for finding Mentors using Social Media.  This is one of several tips suggested by Nicole Williams, in her October 25, 2011 article called:   Women and Mentoring in the U.S.

We encourage you to read her entire article when you have a moment. 

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Always, be on the lookout:  If there’s one piece of advice when it comes to finding a mentor it’s to think outside the box. We can easily get stuck thinking of mentorship as this formal, official way of relating to people in business; however, by narrowing our definition of who can help guide us in our careers, we can miss out on the potential mentors who are right under our noses (our neighbors, direct colleagues or even our relatives). More importantly, it ignores those we may have never met in our life but would be happy to answer a quick question if you make a common connection online.

Additional opportunities to learn more about Mentorship are available for you right NOW, on our YouTube Channel: 

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