Monday, May 23, 2011

CONFIDENTIALITY - Key Success Factor

What are your thoughts on the importance of CONFIDENTIALITY  within a positive MENTORSHIP relationship, or any business related relationship for that matter?

Please add your thoughts as a comment to this post.

Feel free to talk about its importance, and share an example you’ve seen which illustrates either the potential positive impact or negative associated results.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I was talking with a successful business owner not that long ago when the topic of our conversation turned to Mentorship. They said that they felt they had been 'mentored' by a number of people through the use of Books, DVD and CD educational materials.  While not disputing the value of resources like this as a part of the learning process, I admit that I struggled with the concept of these resources being a substitute for a personal mentoring relationship. So I put the question out to you for comment. What are your thoughts, your reaction or experience related to this suggestion?  

Please add your thoughts to our question: "What is Mentorship?" HOW would you DEFINE IT?