Monday, April 30, 2018

Mentorship adds Value for Lean Start-Ups

Innovation takes what is known and finds new ways of adapting it for the future! 

An interesting application of Mentorship is frequently incorporated into many of the Lean Start-Up events that catapult entrepreneurs into a new venture. We’ve participated in a number of hybrid events designed to assist new entrants and have also customized similar programs for some of our clients to meet their specific requirements. 

Participants learning at "Crash Course: Jump Start"
A few weeks ago we had the opportunity to view things from a different perspective - that of being a “Mentor” to participants in the “Crash Course: Jump Start” weekend. This event was hosted by the Mawji Centre for New Venture and Student Entrepreneurship at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT).

As a Mentor, it was a privilege to assist several individuals and teams, together with other business professionals who volunteered. Each of us brought our unique backgrounds and areas of expertise into play and collectively, when combined with the imaginations and energy of these creative people, we helped move their innovative concepts forward!

(Left to Right) Vini Costanzo, Jim Ewing, James Petryk, David Lord
While the Mentoring experience in this type of event is different from that found within a Classical Mentorship model, the immediate input received by participants was certainly appreciated. And as a Mentor, it was definitely exciting to "jump in" with the team - listen to the challenges to be tackled, explore value propositions with each opportunity, and collectively discover ways to answer questions along the way!

Here are a couple of thoughts that were provided by some of my fellow Mentors who also enjoyed exploring the many great business ideas being refined by these enthusiastic upstarts!

David Lord, CPA, CMA  
"Getting a chance to work with the students is great because their energy and enthusiasm are infectious. It's rewarding being able to contribute advice and provide direction to the students to help them develop their ideas. But selfishly, the motivational boost I get from interacting with these young, ambitious students is something I get to take away and harness in my Financial Planning Practice: Red Seal Financial Ltd. When I volunteer my time, I find I often get as much as I give."


Vini Costanzo, Founder of ViniCostanzo Marketing Coaching: a company focused on guiding small businesses and startups to the rights decisions in marketing. 
"Being a mentor for me means learning. Every single entrepreneur has a different history and a different motivation. However, all of them share the same dream: They want to be big. Mentoring them helps me to understand better the challenges they have towards their goals and improve the services my company provides."  

The experiences and comments shared by my fellow Mentors in the “Crash Course: Jump Start” echoes my own, and that of other Mentors I’ve known and worked with over the years. Mentorship really is a two-way street, where both the Mentor and the Mentee/Protege benefit from the Mentoring relationship. 

Please let us know if we can help you explore Mentorship within your organization. We’d be delighted to explore what Mentorship can do for you and your team!

BTW - We’ve captured some great comments and experiences from those who’ve been Mentors and been Mentored. View them now for FREE on our YouTube Channel ...


PLEASE feel free to share your comments to our post. 

We'd be very pleased to hear from you and let others benefit from comments related to your experiences for improving Mentoring Relationships.

QUESTION:  Could you benefit from having a Business COACH and MENTOR?  
IF the ANSWER is YES ...  Take a look at our "NEXT Steps Program!   
If you're looking for flexible and cost-effective Business Coaching & Mentoring, you'll like our “NEXT Steps - Program”. It's been created with you in mind, and provides 12 months of valuable assistance, designed to fit your busy schedule! 

For more information see:

"Option 3 – “PVS – NEXT Steps - Business Coaching & Mentoring Program” 
It's listed on our Website Registration page: