Monday, October 24, 2011

"Stories that Mentor" - a NEW series.

We are very pleased to announce the start of a new series of video clips on our YouTube Channel. "Stories that Mentor" - is focused on gathering a wide variety of stories that convey a deeper level of wisdom and learning to audiences.  In one of the first of several short videos, Dan Jelinski (Wisdom Speaks) shares an "archetypal story" that spans from Aesop in ancient Greece, to North America's First Nations people, and the Six Nations Confederacy. 

Dan is a gifted storyteller, who continues the passing on of wisdom through oral tradition - story telling!  Thank you once again Dan, for sharing your stories with this audience. 

Here is a direct link to this wonderful addition to "Stories that Mentor".

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Mentorship INSIGHTS from Jared Smith, Principal at "Incite"

September was such a busy month ... but I was really pleased to have been able to get together with Jared Smith, Principal at "Incite" in Edmonton.  Jared and his team have done some amazing things within the business community, and the community at large!  Always interested in helping others to develop, Jared took some time out of his very busy schedule to talk with us, and shared some of his Mentorship experiences. 

Take a moment to to listen to this interview and you'll understand the significance of the relationship-driven approach that this business takes with customer care. It's no surprise that Incite has developed meaningful, long-term client relationships that have resulted in profitable and sustainable marketing strategies for their valued clients.

Here is a direct link to Jared's interview on our YouTube Channel