Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Closing the Distance with Mentorship

It's quite remarkable, don't you think? The progress that's been made over the years in the speed with which we can travel is absolutely remarkable!

From the limited distances that could be covered, first by simply walking, then aided by horse & wagon, to the power that was available through invention of the automobile, and exponentially increased with the use of airplanes, jets and space travel. It's almost incomprehensible!

With the use of improved technology we have significantly decreased the time it takes to get from one place to another. Distance it seems, is no longer a barrier. That is, unless we choose to let it be a barrier. 

So can Mentorship be effectively carried out over distances that limit traditional in-person, face-to-face interactions? It's a question that we've asked before, and we've received some encouraging responses!

From a personal perspective, at Pro-Vision Solutions Inc. we've enjoyed connecting with, coaching and mentoring a number of individuals using methods similar to those mentioned in this post by one of our favourite Mentoring Experts, Professor David Clutterbuck - Practice Lead, David Clutterbuck Partnership (Slough, United Kingdom).


Professor David Clutterbuck
In this post, Professor Clutterbuck looks at the advantages and disadvantages involved in:

 "Mentoring via Telephone or Skype/Teleconference" ...

This continues a conversation that is found in our Post of August 26, 2016 where we addressed Mentoring through the use of E-Mail.

As noted in the earlier post, each method has both disadvantages and advantages when compared to face-to-face mentoring.

Telephone mentoring

The main advantage of telephone mentoring is that, like e-mail, it can be “just-in-time”. While it lacks the visual clues of face-to-face, it is still possible to glean a lot of information from auditory clues – how passionately the other person speaks, when they hesitate, etc. The disadvantage is that it’s difficult to build in time for reflection – when someone is silent, it’s hard to tell if they are still there!

Mentoring by Skype or Teleconference

When the technology works, these conversations can be a close approximation to face-to-face sessions. However, it may not always be possible to arrange meetings of sufficient length at short notice.

Mixed media mentoring

Many mentoring programmes employ mixed media mentoring – use of any or all the above media, along with some face to face, where possible. The advantage of this approach is that it allows a flexible response to a wide range of situations.

Source: Professor David Clutterbuck - David Clutterbuck Partnership
Coaching and Mentoring International Ltd

What's been your experience with Mentoring relationships that take place when greater distances separate the mentoring partners?

  • Can this type of mentorship work?
  • What would be the greatest challenge the participants would have to overcome?

Let us know your thoughts and we'd be pleased to share your helpful insights with our readers in the future! What are your suggestions and insights with respect to long-distance Mentoring Relationships?

We'd love to hear from you and share your Mentoring experiences.

QUESTION:  Could you benefit from having a Business COACH and MENTOR?

 IF the ANSWER is YES ...  Take a look at our "NEXT Steps Program!

If you're looking for flexible and cost-effective Business Coaching & Mentoring, you'll like our “NEXT Steps - Program”. It's been created with you in mind, and provides 12 months of valuable assistance that designed to fit your busy schedule!

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