Thursday, December 15, 2011

Mentorship and the Link to Success

We recently received an email from someone exploring our Mentorship BLOG and appreciated the kind comments he provided. 

Let me share some of our reply, because it gave us opportunity to reflect back on the many wonderful people we've spoken with over the years. It's been great to interview these successful business owners and professionals. And many of them simply enjoy giving back to their communities - sharing what they have learned in business and in life with others.  

Reflecting for a moment, SUCCESS in virtually any field of endeavour is more likely to come only after years of dedication and discipline.  We sometimes hear of the 'overnight success', but the reality is that this "success" has often taken years for these individuals to achieve. And if we want to be totally honest, there are very few success stories that are truly 'solo efforts'. The work that we do, and the work of other successful people has almost always involved others who have had a part in the advancement of that effort. 

And on that note, I close with the words that are inscribed on Andrew Carnegie’s tombstone: “Here lies a man who knew how to enlist in his service better men than himself.”  
(More related to Andrew Carnegie can be seen on our Business Success BLOG at:

Mentorship can be one of those important relationships that helps people to more quickly and more fully develop into their full potential.  That's why we've added these resources and made them FREELY AVAILABLE for anyone who is looking at developing their potential. 

View some of the video clips that we've put together.  We trust that you will enjoy and learn from our many interviews with people spanning a wide variety of careers and industry sectors.  
Visit our YouTube Channel at:
Please feel free to comment on, and pass along the URL for our Mentorship and Business Success BLOGs.

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