Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Today, I'm asking the question: "WHO INSPIRES YOU?" 

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A few days ago, a friend asked a number of us to forward something that inspired or motivated us to another individual. As I thought about that request, I was reminded of a poem I'd come across some time ago ... but beyond that, my mind went back to the special individual that came to my memory as I first read it many years ago.

It's funny how we encounter 'special people' who help us as we travel along life's road, and ultimately have a way of shaping us into who we are today!

  • Who's that 'special person' in your life? 
  • Who comes to mind?
  • WHAT is or was it about them that inspired you?
  • What did it MOTIVATE you to accomplish?  

Perhaps they were a “mentor” to you in the process, although you may never have thought about it in those terms.

YOU may have chosen your mother, perhaps your father, a teacher, coach or friend. 

If you're like me, you'll likely have a number of people come to mind.  But regardless of who that person is, I’m sure YOU have your own special reasons for picking those you feel are INSPIRING. This is someone who has helped you to DEVELOP into who you are TODAY, and into who you are becoming TOMORROW.  Be sure to find a special way to thank and/or honour this special person in your life. 

In closing, if the above ‘rings true’ with you, you will likely enjoy this next short but touching story, “When You Thought I Wasn’t Looking”.  I invite you to read it on my Business Success BLOG at: http://ow.ly/h8q9a

Thanks for any comments or thoughts that you'd care to add regarding this post and question: "Who INSPIRES you?"

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